Out Abroad: Assemblyman Pushes for Marriage Equality in Japan; Germany Cabinet Adopts Plan to Make Changing Gender Easier

Masahiro Shibaguchi and Ariel Ling-chun Liu. Photo via Queer World News and Life, Twitter.

An assemblyman and his spouse are pushing for marriage equality in Japan, Saskachewan joins LGBTQ inclusion policy changes, and Germany's cabinet adopts a plan to make changing gender identities easier.

Assemblyman And Spouse Push For Same-Sex Marriage

Masahiro Shibaguchi, a gay assemblyman for Takahama city, and his partner, Ariel Ling-chun Liu, are calling on Tokyo to legalize same-sex marriage and ensure equality for sexual minorities.

“Depending on how friendly the ruling party is toward homosexuals, it will have a direct impact on how people treat homosexuals, especially homosexual foreigners,” he said.

According to the South China Morning Post, Japan is the only G7 nation that does not recognize same-sex marriage and, recently, lawsuits have been filed in the country by same-sex couples trying to make their relationships legal.

Party leader Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is cautious about legalizing same-sex marriage and said doing so “could extensively change society as it concerns the lives of the people.”

Saskatchewan Joins LGBTQ Inclusion Policy Changes

Minister of Education, Dustin Duncan. Photo via saskatchewan.ca.

Saskatchewan, a Canadian province, has joined in on New Brunswick’s controversial LGBTQ inclusion policy.

Global News said the announcement came via letter signed by Minister of Education, Dustin Duncan. In part, it said, “A new policy effective today will require parental consent when students under 16 years old wish to change their pronouns and/or preferred first name.”

Advocates argue that the language violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“This is a dangerous trend, [because] governments are supposed to be implementing laws and policies that are constitutional,” said Harini Sivalingam from the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

Sivalingam said some policies being rolled out are blatantly discriminatory and queer youth need strengthening and support of their fundamental rights.

Cabinet Adopts Plan To Make Changing Gender Easier

Marco Buschmann. Photo by Rob75, via Wikimedia Commons.

Germany’s government approved draft legislation to reform the rules involving changing gender.

Reuters reported that Germany's center-left coalition plans to reform the current system, which is based on the 1980 Transexual Law that requires people to undergo a medical examination as well as a costly and often lengthy court process in order to change gender.

Now, the reform allows transgender, intersex and non-binary individuals to change their gender details with a visit to their local civil registry office.

"Those affected were discriminated against for over 40 years by the Transexual Law. We are finally putting a stop to this," said family minister Lisa Paus.

The law will have no gender age restriction, but children under 14 will need a parent or guardian to do the application for them.

Marco Buschmann, the country’s Justice minister, said he is confident that parliament will pass the reform, citing that the legislation does not affect house rules at businesses in light of criticism that the new rules could make it easier for men to access female-only spaces.

Medical procedures for sex changes are not covered by the legislation and will be regulated under the country’s current medical standards, per Reuters.


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