Wilton Manors Setting Financial Limits

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Photo via Pexels.

With a new budget year looming on Oct. 1, city commissioners are finalizing costs. They voted on several important budget items during a budget-centric meeting on Sept. 12.

The rate is going up 10% to 6.4196 mils plus city hall debt service rate of .1782 mil for a combined rate of 6.5978.

Several residents spoke out about the 10% increase and were joined in their ire by several commissioners. Commissioner Paul Rolli acknowledged reality, saying there’s not much that can be cut from the FY2024-25 budget.

“We need to start looking forward, and we need to do some strategic and financial planning,” Rolli said during the discussion. “I don’t want to be sitting here a year from now talking about the same thing. We’re pretty much at bare bones, despite what everybody thinks.”

The final rate and budget will be up for approval at a special meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 24.

Other Budget Items

The annual assessment for fire services will be $315.80, an increase of six dollars per household.

Residents of Jenada Isle will continue paying an assessment for gated improvements. Households will pay $37.28. This only affects the 81 residents of the area.


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