Wilton Manors Commission Passes Budget, Higher Taxes

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It’s official. Taxes are going up in Wilton Manors. During their final budget meeting on Sept. 24, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve taxation levels and spending plan for 2024-25. The new budget year begins Tuesday, Oct. 1.

The tax level is 6.4196 mils, or $6.4196 per $1,000 of assessed property value, for the city’s general operating budget. That’s up 10%. There will also be another 0.1782 mil to service the debt from the city hall construction bond.

This has been a particularly tough budget process. Revenues are down and expenses are up. Former finance director Pennie Zuercher left in December. Her replacement didn’t arrive until April and promptly departed at the end of July.

Also, members of the Financial Advisory Board only had a couple of weeks to analyze the document and make recommendations.

Many say the budget is bloated with items such as lighting at parks. Others say employees' raises are too big. Commissioner Paul Rolli has asked FAB to start looking at long term budget strategies.

The tax rate is locked in, but some items in the budget may still get delayed or canceled.

“While I am approving this budget, there are certain items in this budget that I don’t support, and I don’t think the city should be spending money on,” Commissioner Don D’Arminio said. “If those items come forward I won’t be supporting them.”

Mayor Scott Newton has generally defended the budget, saying city staff must be paid. The city’s “amenities,” such as well-lit recreation areas, and infrastructure must be maintained.

“There are things some people like and other people don’t,” Newton said. “To get the quality of life that our taxpayers and voters are looking to get in Wilton Manors, it costs a certain amount of money."

With no new construction projects on the verge of breaking ground, new income from high-end homes won’t be coming in for years.


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