Wilton Manors Approves Pay Increase for Police Officers

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Photo by JR Davis.

A small agenda had one big item. During their meeting on Sept. 10, Wilton Manors city commissioners approved a major pay increase for police officers.

The deal, which amends an existing contract with the police union, gives officers more short term and long term money. Officers get an 8% raise immediately, in addition to a 3.5% COLA on Oct. 1.

In addition to the base salary increase, current officers will get a $12,000 retention bonus paid over nine months.

“What we can do for our officers is to pay them near the top. I believe they’re all happy about it.”

Officers and union reps told The Gazette that they are, indeed, pleased with the results.

The vote was 4-0. Vice Mayor Mike Bracchi was not in attendance.

In another item, commissioners moved forward with updating language in the city code dealing with developments. Proposed changes, which includes lowering required parcel sizes for development (currently at two acres), will be back for public comment and a final vote at a future meeting.


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