Wilton Commissioners Briefed on Sea Level Rise

Photo via Pixabay.

Flood risks are rising, and the clock is ticking. At their meeting on Sept. 12, city commissioners were given an overview of the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for Wilton Manors.

Consulting firm Baxter-Woodman ran 25 scenarios, such as what happens if a major storm and high tide coincide, a major storm and a king tide, etc.

The findings are a stark reminder that climate change is a direct and growing threat to a city where many properties sit at 10-feet elevation or lower.

Two key dates are examined: 2040 and 2070. The report says rising sea levels will have some, but minimal, impact by 2040. But by 2070, everything will change.

Flooding in 2040 will not be severe, but projections say a 2040 storm will be considered severe by 2070. Suggested solutions include raising seawalls to at least seven feet.

Wilton Manors streets already flood when heavy storm cells move through, and water and sewage system upgrades are underway in the city along with other Broward County municipal partners.

Property Tax Update

Broward County Property Appraiser Marty Kiar updated commissioners on property tax revenue. The value of property in Wilton Manors is up 17% from last year to $3.62B. Due to homestead and other exemptions, taxable value is up 12% to $1.3B.

That works out to about $1M in more revenue for the city.

The average single family home is about $900,000 and is taxed at $378,000. The average condo is worth $356,000 and taxed at $163,000.

Turn the Page

Commissioners filled three vacancies on the Library Advisory Board. Two seats and an alternate were filled from the five candidates. None of the candidates showed up to make their case.

Commissioners appointed Marcia Grady and Jamie Plecenik as full time board members, and Jamie Plecenik as the alternate.


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