Wilton Art Walk Turns The Corner

Photo via Joe Picasso's, Facebook.

Crafts, cocktails, quilts and more. Every month during the season, hundreds walk Wilton Drive on the third Saturday of the month. From cool bracelets to stunning paintings to books, the best of local art is on display and on sale.

But get to the end of Wilton Drive at Five Points, and the party continues. In January, for the first time, the art walk made the hairpin turn on to Dixie Hwy. This stretch of the road has quickly gone from a burgeoning arts district to an artistic destination.

At least three new art galleries have opened in the area over the past year. Jacki Rosen, of Rosen Fine Art, hung up her sign last year and is emblematic of how welcoming the community is.

“I’m what is called an ‘outsider artist,’ someone who doesn’t have formal training.”

You wouldn’t know it when you pop into her gallery. The works are thought-provoking and professional. Rosen also teaches a class in her studio and relishes working with beginners.

Next door, Fierce Art Gallery Studio, Sherman Yee celebrated his first art walk and showcased queer narratives.

“The exhibit changes every month, but the concept with the artists and queer art stays. There’s a lot of people who want this type of art, but it’s not in a lot of galleries.”

Across the street at Hotspots! Happening Out Art Gallery with Dennis Dean curates exhibits to fit the time of year. October featured art of breast cancer survivors, November was trans artists.

“The location is great for neighbors to walk over. The quality of the art gets the buzz out.”

If you work up an appetite with all the walking, food is abundant. Union Kitchen sits in the heart of Dixie developments. A new gifting shop, Delizioso, stays open late and keeps the party rocking.

A guitarist played outside, and the owners offered samples of Italian wines, cheeses, and appetizers.


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


Corrections: corrections@outsfl.com

PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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