Stonewall Festival & New Hires: A Recap of the City Commission Meeting on March 11

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Stonewall Pride Parade 2024. Photo by JR Davis.

As backlash to DEI spreads across the nation — especially in Florida, and in the federal government, some corporations have cut back or ended sponsorships of LGBTQ events.

However, the city of Wilton Manors is standing by Stonewall Pride. During their meeting on March 11, commissioners voted unanimously to approve this year’s permit. The event is scheduled for June 14.

Commissioner Don D’Arminio made one change, locking in admission charges of $10 in advance or online and $13 at the gate.

Prides everywhere are facing viability issues, and Stonewall is no exception. Insiders say sponsorships are down and harder to come by, as some traditional sponsors are putting “family friendly” requirements on donations.

Another new obstacle is the requirement to have metal detectors and wands at all entrances. Safety is always important, but so far no other city in the region is making them mandatory. Wands also require special training, meaning higher costs for competent staff.

Another New Face

The hiring spree inside city hall continues. Alan Dodd was unanimously confirmed as the new Director of Utilities and Emergency Management.

The West Point and Penn State alum is a licensed engineer with experience with municipal and military public works operations.

City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson laid out his credentials, saying, “His experience and expertise comes to us at a very critical time as we embark on a multi-million dollar capital investment for our city’s utility and infrastructure.”

Other recent high level hires include Azita Behmardi, who was recently named Assistant City Manager, and Carol Conol was promoted from within to be Finance Director.


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