George Fernandez – The Butterfly Man

George Fernandez. Photo via Facebook.

George Fernandez has been out and proud in Key West for decades as co-owner of the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory, which opened in 2003.

 “To me, it’s unique ... magical is Disney, but this ... It is an audio-visual sensory experience,” George told the Florida Weekly in 2018 of his creation. “I want you to have a warm, fuzzy feeling from the minute you walk in.”

He’s collected quite a few awards along the way, including being named a Men of Valor honoree from Samuel’s House; the Venture Award and Piece of Rock Award from the Key West Chamber of Commerce; the Frank Romano Associate Award for Excellence from the Lodging Association; The Richard Heyman Award from the Key West Business Guild; the Rooster Awards from Key Weekly; the Unsung Hero from the Key West Pops Orchestra; and Humanitarian of the Year from the American Red Cross.

“I can’t say enough about Key West. I am kind of a social butterfly for the business. There isn’t a fundraiser I usually don’t buy a table. There isn’t an event, I’m not there to support,” he said. “I’m very honored to be a part of this community. I truly believe in giving back. It’s karma. Good things happen to good people. This is my forever home and I am very honored to be a part of this community."

He’s also served on many local boards and committees including the Duval St. Revitalization committee; Key West Chamber of Commerce; Tourist Development Council of Monroe County; Cuban American Heritage Festival; San Carlos Institute; Key West Art and Historical Society; Key West Film Society; Tennessee Williams Founders Society;Key West Pops Orchestra; and Key West Attractions Association.

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