18-20 Year-Olds Banned from Working in Adult Venues

Photo via Pexels.

An impending law says it’s designed to reduce human trafficking in Florida. The practical effects will limit job opportunities for 18-21 year-old workers and even further isolate the people it purports to protect.

HB 7063 restricts people under 21 from working in “adult entertainment” venues, such as strip clubs.

Human trafficking exists largely in the shadows, out of public view. In “strip clubs” and their analogs, there is contact with others and a layer of safety that comes with being in public. Under this law, workers may be even more removed from outside contact and prevent them from getting help.

Charles Horton, who owns LeBoy in Fort Lauderdale, that most of his dancers are 21+ and, at this time, would only affect about three employees. He also makes sure everyone in his employ feels safe.

“The dance manager is primarily there for dancers' safety. I’m also very approachable. Most dancers are comfortable speaking with and do regularly with concerns and suggestions.”

The owner of one establishment told OutSFL that it may not affect Broward clubs, like LeBoy, Johnsons and Boardwalk, because they don’t allow nudity. Lawyers are combing through the bill to figure it out.

HB 7063 passed in 104-3 in the House and 35-3 in the Senate, and is awaiting the governor’s signature.


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