Do you have a fondness for stories featuring vampires and LGBTQ characters? Then check out Kellan McDaniel's "Till Death."
What does Reading Rainbow mean to you?
It means reading for yourself, not what others expect of you, and relishing in it because reading is freedom. Never stop creating and reading that which brings you joy, no matter who tries to stop you.
Tell us a little more about "Till Death" and why you decided to write it.
Easy! Editor Christian Trimmer brought the idea to my agent after reading a novelette I published. He asked if I was interested in writing more queer vampires and how could I say no to that? Over the course of a few long calls, we grew his vision with nourishment from my personal and authorial sensibilities and voila! A very gay story was born.
What was your inspiration behind "Till Death?"
It was an honor to be trusted to tell such a meaningful story! It was hard not to be inspired by Howard and George. The queer community has lost so many people from older generations due to the government's intentional abandonment and oppression. To connect these two men is meaningful: one who has fought for most of his life and one who is learning to do the same. I drew inspiration directly from first-person testimonials from those who have come both before and after me. It's so important to tell our stories, to prove we were here and attest to what we've been through and become.
What can fans expect from "Till Death?"
A lot of feelings! Grief, caution, determination, pride, anger, love and lust… "Till Death" is a deep first-person dive into the main characters’ minds in their glory and faults.
What's up next for you in the bookish world?
A vampire novel for adults! (Can you ever have enough vampires?) Not only are they hot, but their supernatural abilities and experiences are rife for exploring queerness. And this time I'll be diving into the trans, gender, and embodied aspects.
What's your favorite scene in "Till Death?"
I have two! I know, I'm cheating. The first involves a graveyard, the other a box of vintage lingerie. There is such empowerment in both those scenes for Howard and George, such resolve and exploration and growth. I hope they bring the same to all who read them.
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