'The Seemingly Impossible Love Life of Amanda Dean' - Humor and Complex Characters

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"The Seemingly Impossible Love Life of Amanda Dean" by Ann Rose.

While Ann Rose wouldn't classify "The Seemingly Impossible Love Life of Amanda Dean" a rom-com, she does include a lot of humor and kissing into it.

What was your inspiration behind your most recent book?

It’s probably going to sound a little cliché because ideas for stories are everywhere (or at least they are for me). I can be watching a commercial, or see a meme, or a random tweet and my brain goes spiraling into places. I have so many ideas in fact that I keep a running list. 

But Amanda Dean was a little different. One morning I woke up and I just knew this story. It was in my head, and I had to write it all down, so I did what I’ve never really done before and plotted the whole thing out. It came to me the way in a non-linear form, just the way the novel is now, and I just knew I had to write it all down. I hadn’t planned really to do anything with it, this story was just one I wanted to do for me.

What does Reading Rainbow mean to you?

It means having the freedom to read any and all the things that you want. It means reading without fear of what someone else will say, or think, or do. Books are windows, and doors, and mirrors to our world, and people should feel free and confident in exploring those things.

Why do you feel representation of a variety of people is so important when it comes to writing books? 

This is easy. Because the world is full of all different kinds of people with different histories and stories and lives, and everyone deserves to see themselves on the page. Simply put, these stories should be written because these people exist. Our world is diverse, and our books should be too.

Tell us a little more about the book and why you decided to write it.

I kind of touched about the how I came to write “The Seemingly Impossible Love Life of Amanda Dean” above, but I think here I want to address the intention when I actually sat down to write it. I knew Mandy’s story from the first sentence I typed, but I decided early on to change some things about our history — so to speak. In Amanda Dean, we flash back and forth through her life in more or less the present-day, real-world USA (well, except for her quick trip to the U.K.). But one thing I intentionally left out of this book was homophobia. Yes, it’s a part of the real-world history, but that isn’t the story I wanted to show. I wanted to show how things COULD be and how easy they WOULD be if we just allowed them. Amanda’s journey and those of the other queer characters in this story aren’t typical in some ways, but it would be beautiful if they could be. I call this book my “Schitt’s Creek romance” where people just get to exist in a world that doesn’t question them. Is it “realistic” in that regard? No. But it so easily could be — and it’s the world I know I want for my kids and future generations. Acceptance doesn’t have to be hard.

I also really wanted to address the idea that love isn’t always easy, or simple either. I love a good predictable Hallmark romance where it’s all sunshine and rainbows and perfect, but I’m not sure many in this world get to experience romance like that. So I really wanted to dig into the tougher side of love in all its forms. So we get the love of parents, of friends, and of course the love of romantic partners. In the end, we choose to love, and for Mandy that’s both the easiest and hardest thing to do.

What can fans expect from your book?

Well, if you ask me, I think the biggest thing anyone can expect is humor. While I wouldn’t call this a rom-com, I do think I’m hysterical, and I like to think I’ve injected a lot of that in the pages of this book. 

In this book, I also think the reader will get a little nostalgia since we get to see Mandy throughout her life. 

Lastly, I hope the reader really gets to see some complex characters and the story itself opens itself up for book club type discussions. Did Mandy pick who you wanted? Who would you have chosen? What would you have done in her situation? Those kinds of things, without giving away any spoilers. 

Oh, and kissing. I don’t think there is anything sexier than the vulnerability and intimacy of especially that first kiss.

What's up next for you in the bookish world?

This next story is pretty different in a lot of ways from my first. This one has a touch of magic, is set during my absolute favorite time of year — fall — and features one of my favorite places — a very special Halloween store that’s only around for a short time each year. If you are a Halloween fan, you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

My next book is also a dual POV story, and we know from the start who the love interest is. Although I do still hope the reader gets some surprises along the way.


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