'My Big Fat Fake Marriage' - Banter, Fake Dating, Humor & Spice

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"My Big Fat Fake Marriage" by Charlotte Stein.

Charlotte Stein wanted to show readers how kindness is sexy, so that's one of the reasons why she wrote, "My Big Fat Fake Marriage."

What was your inspiration behind your most recent book?

I have just always, always wanted to write a true cinnamon roll hero. A sweet, kind man, like Clark Kent or Ted Lasso, who stays true to his own goodness, despite everything the world throws at him. And I wanted to write a hero who isn’t muscly and perfect physically. He’s a big, burly bear.

What does Reading Rainbow mean to you?

It means everything to me, as a queer author. But also supporting and uplifting books that represent and embrace the LGBTQ community. And understanding how under threat that community is and the way we need to stand on business about protecting that community and those books from banning and censorship.

Why do you feel representation of a variety of people is so important when it comes to writing books?

Because books mean something. Books are powerful. They can often be the first time anyone from any marginalised group encounters themselves exactly as they are, and feels seen by others. It can mean the difference between imagining you’re too different to ever be embraced and loved, and beginning to learn that you can be. That you’re not alone.

Tell us a little more about the book and why you decided to write it.

I wrote "My Big Fat Fake Marriage" because more than anything, I want readers to have something that says kindness is sexy. Especially in a romantic hero.

What can fans expect from your book?

Lots of banter, fake dating, a writing retreat, only one bed, one hot tub, one car. Plenty of gut-wrenching emotional moments, lots of funny stuff. And of course…I bring the spice!

What's up next for you in the bookish world?

Next up I have "Dealing With A Desperate Demon," the second in my paranormal series, coming out! It’s released Oct. 7 of this year, and it has all kinds of things going on in it. Dating lessons, a Beauty and the Beast style pact, bookstore shenanigans, witches and spells and spice. It’s a blast!


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