PBC Drag Queen Big Mama Out of Jail

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Photo courtesy of Palm Beach Sheriff's Office.

Shannon Atkins is out of jail but not out of the woods.

Best known as Big Mama, Atkins was arrested after drugs were found on him during a traffic stop, but police were surveilling him after he allegedly posted threats against President Donald Trump. Atkins, however, has said the posts on social media were jokes, and his friends in the community have publicly supported him.

He was originally held without bail, but after about a week, a judge released Atkins on a $15,000 bond. He is under house arrest and is being monitored electronically. He is allowed out to work.

The judge also ordered him to stay away from Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s home in Palm Beach County, and have no contact with the First Family. Atkins must also refrain from illegal substances and stay off social media.

The FBI was alerted to comments Atkins allegedly posted before Trump was inaugurated. PBSO says they included things like “Bullets please, Jesus save America” and lamenting that Trump hasn't been assassinated.

The threats could be escalated to a federal case. PBSO says he admitted making the posts but that it was a joke.

As a Black, gay man who performs in drag, some of Atkins’ supporters say authorities are using him to warn others from making disparaging comments towards Trump and the administration.


Local Drag Queen Charged for Allegedly Threatening Trump


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