Break the Republican Stranglehold: Vote Jim Brenner | Endorsement

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Judas. That’s what the South Florida Gay News branded Florida House Representative Chip LaMarca, a Republican representing Broward County, in 2021 when he voted to ban trans athletes from school sports.

Recently, the Sun Sentinel endorsed newcomer Jim Brenner, LaMarca’s opponent, in the election for House District 100. We wholeheartedly concur with this recommendation.

Brenner is a banker, condo association leader, and former aide to U.S. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts. Though Brenner is a Democrat, his views are still more aligned with the politics of Broward than LaMarca’s.

In the interview with the Sun Sentinel, LaMarca said he is not an opponent of the gay community.

We disagree.

If repeatedly voting to erase the LGBTQ community through extremist legislation isn’t oppositional, then what is?

With friends like these, we don’t need enemies.

LaMarca began his career as a moderate Republican, once willing to stand with the LGBTQ community and defy the far right. He marched in our parades, waved our flags, and faced criticism from within his party for it. Sadly, those days are gone — his recent voting record shows he has abandoned moderation and embraced the same extremism he once opposed.

Besides his votes against the LGBTQ community, he also voted for a 15-week abortion ban that did not include exceptions for rape, incest, or human trafficking. His voting record clearly demonstrates his alignment with the same extremism he once resisted.

Meanwhile, LaMarca opposed the six-week abortion ban. While that may seem moderate, it’s only because Florida Republicans have moved so far to the extreme. He had a chance to break with his party, and truly show some moderation, by supporting Amendment 4 that would expand access to abortion in the state. Instead, he opposes that as well. He’d rather keep a cruel ban in place rather than support a reasonable amendment that would help all pregnant people receive the care and dignity they deserve.

This is neither moderate nor reasonable — it’s radical and extreme.

While Republicans have been fixated on cultural war issues like the “Don’t Say Gay” bills, book bans and drag queens, real Floridian concerns, like out-of-control housing insurance costs, have been neglected. We’ve faced two major hurricanes in the last month, which is sure to exacerbate the problem.

The Sentinel notes: “Nearly half of the families in the district live in condos in highly flood-prone areas, making climate change and huge assessments for overdue condo inspections major issues here.”

These are real issues that must be addressed if Florida will continue to grow.

It’s too much of a hope to see a blue wave in Florida this November, but every seat counts. If voters can deny Republicans a supermajority in either chamber, that would be a huge win for all Floridians. We need politicians and leaders who are responsive to the needs of their constituents — not focused on made-up issues.

When the ban on trans athletes passed, there were only 12 known trans athletes in Florida. Republicans continue to create solutions for problems that don’t exist.

As the Sentinel points out, LaMarca’s votes would not have changed any of the outcomes. But what’s the point of having a moderate Republican represent Broward County when he clearly has no power to reign in the extremism coming out of Tallahassee?

To be fair, LaMarca has broken ranks with his party from time to time. But it’s clear his party’s center of gravity has dramatically shifted to the right — far out of step with the moderate and middle of the road Republicans in his red-leaning district in Broward County.

They deserve better.

We hope that the voters in House District 100 will keep an open mind and take a look at Brenner.

As the Sentinel notes: “He’s personable and policy-oriented and, with his D.C. experience, knows how legislative bodies work.”

For these reasons, we endorse Jim Brenner for House District 100.

We urge all voters in District 100 to make their voices heard by heading to the polls on Nov. 5 (or voting early).


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