Expelled Congressman To Make Cameos in Drag

George Santos in drag. Photo via kitaravache, Instagram.

Is there no bottom to the George Santos story?

The disgraced and expelled New York Congressman is now reviving his old drag queen persona in an effort to make money. 

In a post on X, Santos announced plans to “bring Kitara out of the closet after 18 years!” 

Kitara Ravache is Santos’ drag queen character, that he denied last year, thus adding to his mountain of lies. 

Santos is intending to perform as Kitara on the Cameo platform, where celebrities and influencers are paid to wish people happy birthday or deliver other personal messages. 

The gay Republican has been on Cameo since being kicked out of Congress last December. During that time, he has recorded dubious greetings for Florida Representative Fabian Basabe and NAMBLA (North American Man / Boy Love Association) while being continuously pranked by late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. 

Santos has filed a lawsuit against Kimmel and the Walt Disney Co. for “capitalizing on and ridiculing” his “gregarious personality.”

The Kitara videos cost $275 with 20% of the proceeds, allegedly, going to charity.

Elsewhere, Santos has abandoned plans to run for Congress again and is scheduled to stand trial in September on 23 federal charges, ranging from fraud to money laundering to aggravated identity theft.



Congress Kicks Santos Out


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