Wilton Manors Power Couple Opens Home – And Kitchen – To Community

Photo by JR Davis.

If you’ve spent any amount of time at LGBTQ events in or around Wilton Manors, you’ve seen them. They work out front at civic events and behind the scenes of fundraisers and other philanthropic events. They are Marc Martorana and Don D’Arminio.

The couple lives just steps off Wilton Drive in the heart of the city. While D’Arminio is a first-term city commissioner, they both sit on NGO boards and committees. You would be hard-pressed to find a local group they haven’t worked with in some form, be it financial, organizing, supporting or catering.

“It's all about seeing people come together as a community to show their support for that organization,” D’Arminio said.

Martorana is a chef extraordinaire. The way to a community’s heart is through its stomach, and while there is no empirical evidence to back up the claim, it’s safe to assume that when people know he’s catering an event they are more likely to attend.

“It is our way of giving back to the community, and especially our local charitable organizations,” Martorana said.

Often, the pair goes one step further and hosts events in their own home.

“It's a much warmer and memorable event when you're invited to someone's home rather than going to a public venue,” Martorana said. “It also creates friendships and a sense of community. It's a completely different experience when you welcome guests to your home to eat off your table.”

Last month, D’Arminio and Martorana hosted the Mz OutSFL Pageant after party brunch. The morning after the pageant, winner Erika Norell, OutSFL CEO Justin Wyse, and other staff and friends gathered at their home for a brunch that had you going back for seconds… and thirds.

From a French toast casserole to stuffed ravioli to sausage, bacon, and more, everything on the table was mouthwatering.

“The menu depends on the occasion and type of event. For OutSFL’s brunch, it included pecan crusted salmon, shrimp cocktail, fresh berry croissant French toast along with other brunch selections.”

This is far from a one-size-fits-all menu. Martorana says each event’s menu is carefully curated.

“We hosted an event for the ‘Big Easy Queens’ featuring many of our local Wilton Manors Performers. The movie was set in New Orleans, so our menu had a Southern Flare, including chicken and waffles and shrimp jambalaya. We also had a Jazz Band performing at that event.”

Their in-home fundraisers have raised tens of thousands of dollars for local organizations, and this is not a new development. The couple has been putting out the welcome mat since they closed on their home.

“When we bought our home in 2011, one of the very first charity events we held was for the South Florida Symphony Orchestra,” D’Arminio said. “Every year for the last dozen or so years, we've kicked off their Symphony Season with a ‘Garden Party Brunch’ at our home. Over the years, the supporters of the symphony have become friends and extended family. They look forward to our annual event, and it has become one of our favorites as well.”

Their support of the arts isn’t expected to abate anytime soon. OutSFL thanks them both for hosting the brunch and supporting local journalism.

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