RNC Convention Dubbed ‘Grindr Superbowl’ | Analysis

Photo via Pexels.

We have all heard the Shakespeare quote, “The lady doth protest too much.” According to Google, “the phrase is often used in everyday speech to indicate that someone is being insincere or hiding the truth, especially if they are denying something strongly.”

You don't have to look any further for a real-life example than last week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The gay dating app Grindr experienced a - wait for it - 350% increase in traffic. Grindr themselves called this unprecedented.

Yes, this is the same political party that introduced over a record 520 anti-LGBTQ laws in state legislatures in 2023. Yes, this is the same political party that introduced a record 220 bills specifically targeting transgender and nonbinary people in 2023.

After the app crash, disgraced ex-Congressman George Santos, who is gay, posted a video on social media claiming, “Grindr executives are calling the RNC convention the Grindr Superbowl.”

“I’m openly gay, no qualms about it, proud conservative Republican,” Santos said. “So Grindr executives are calling the RNC convention ‘Grindr’s Super Bowl.' Let me tell you something: Just come out of the closet, boys! Come on, it’s fun! You can be gay and conservative. Grindr is always outing you anyways based on the hits. And guess who’s in town? It’s all you conservatives. Bye!”


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