Pride Center Hosts Active Aging Expo Oct. 21

Photo via Robert Boo, Facebook.

Age isn’t just a number — it’s a reason to celebrate. Whether you’re an “AARP” senior (50+), just hitting Social Security (65-67), or a retirement veteran, South Florida is a haven of opportunity for LGBTQ seniors.

This weekend, The Pride Center at Equality Park is hosting its 14th annual Active Aging Expo Oct. 21, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. It started off trying to find businesses and service providers for the active aging community. Pride Center CEO Robert Boo says those humble beginnings still bear fruit today.

“Out of that it grew and grew and grew. Now it is a major event with up to 700 people coming,” he said. “It’s a great way for the community to come and check out all the services and programs and offerings in our community to keep ourselves healthy and active.”

Admission is free and includes important health activities. Free flu shots and blood pressure checks will be provided. There will also be lunch, door prizes, and a chance to learn about services from 50 local businesses.

“This is a testament that they want to build a relationship with the LGBT community.”

While this is one of Pride Center’s most popular events, their commitment to our aging LGBTQ community is a year-round effort, including their weekly Coffee & Conversation, which is the largest weekly gathering of LGBTQ active agers in the country.

“For many seniors, it’s the only time they're in an open, safe, LGBT space. They come in, get coffee, and it may be their only time out. Loneliness and socialization are two of the top issues with active agers. Allowing them to sit around and talk and meet people are amazing.”


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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