Pride Center Celebrates 30 Years

Pride Center via Facebook.

From the controversial implementation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” through the dark days of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and state level mini-DOMAs to the modern legislative onslaught by Republican-fascists, there has been a constant presence standing up for South Florida’s LGBT community: The Pride Center.

On June 25, they celebrated their 30th anniversary of their founding in 1993 with a party that had a very ‘90s vibe. They held a tea dance at The Angeles, a renovated church now used for events in downtown Fort Lauderdale. In the ‘90s, old churches and warehouses were popular for holding tea dances and other LGBT-related events.

Supporters were able to spill the tea, literally, as they sipped on cocktails served in glasses shaped like teapots. Old school flaggers took the floor in front of the altar where a DJ spun tunes. Upstairs, a chorus of VIP guests looked down on the fun.

While this was a day of celebration and a great way to end Pride month, Pride Center CEO Robert Boo said that the work is more important than ever.

“We are not going back to when the organization was founded in 1993. This is absolutely ridiculous.”

As much as things have changed and evolved since the early ‘90s, Boo says the core goals remain the same.

“Our mission is to provide a welcoming, safe space that empowers the LGBT community.”


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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