Local Realtor to Host Community Appreciation Event Sept. 18

Jimmy Cunningham. Photo by Carina Mask.

From the vibrant social scene to connected neighborhoods to thriving businesses, Wilton Manors is a small but strong city. But community doesn’t just happen, it takes the work, love, and dedication of the people that live here.

One of those is Jimmy Cunningham, a local realtor who is involved with many South Florida LGBTQ organizations. He’s hosting his Community Appreciation Event Sept. 18 at Hagen Park from 5-7 p.m.

A realtor in Wilton Manors since 2009, he began throwing “Client Appreciation Parties” several years ago. But a major event gave Cunningham a chance to broaden the event.

“When COVID stopped our world in 2020 and much of 2021, I decided to take the ‘ego’ off of Jimmy Cunningham, Realtor Client Party, and change the theme to Community Appreciation Party.”

During pandemic, he hosted a full dinner and open bar and invited nonprofits to attend, getting them extra exposure in a time when events were few and far between.

“We had about 185 attendees, and it cost none of them anything. Only about 15% of those who attend are actually clients. Community leaders, my RE/MAX family, the non-profits heads and staff, and many friends, some for the chance to get to know a little better.”

As it is now tradition, more than a dozen nonprofits will have a table at the event, including Pride Center, Latinos Salud, Plays of Wilton, Island City Stage, SunServe, South Florida Symphony, Kaming Chorus, Pet Project, and FLoatarama.

Celebrity guest entertainer will be the always fabulous Miss Bouvier.

“I'm a huge fan of our city and extremely grateful to live here,” Cunningham said. “I always believe in giving back what was so freely given to me in the city that made me a successful citizen. The greatest gift of success is the ability to be able to give back.”


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


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PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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