Local Drag Show, International Impact | Watch

Photo by John Hayden.

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It’s the true spirit of the holidays. Giving your time, money, and, perhaps most importantly, your attention to others in need... all with a dash of fierceness thrown in.

That was the vibe Sunday, Dec. 22, at Fort Lauderdale Nutrition, the sister store of Thirsty’s On the Drive. Mary It’s Mary Productions held Jingle Bells Brunch, a fundraiser for Suitcases of Love. Suitcases help at-risk LGBTQ+ children in Medellín, Colombia.

The cause is very close to drag performer Amy Dry Mouth. During an emotional moment, she held back tears while explaining how her own experiences let her empathize with the children.

An auction that included a limited edition Prada vase helped the event raise about $600.

While the cause was serious, the event was seriously fun. Hosted by FayWhat?! in her best Santa drag, she kept the crowd engaged and laughing.

Amy Dry Mouth was joined by a pair of other South Florida drag legends: Bonnie Builder and Pam Demique.


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