Leather Community Celebrates Mr. Ramrod 2025

Photo via Sam Sanna, Facebook.

Sam Sanna’s first moments as Mr. Ramrod 2025 were as blurry as they were magical.

“When I was announced as the winner, it was a whirlwind. I was being pulled in twenty different directions, which was kinda fun having 20 men pulling on you,” he said.

Winning a title is more than getting a patch and a line on the resume. It comes with the responsibility of being a leader in the leather community and the community at-large.

Sanna has lived in South Florida for 13 years after growing up in West Virginia and North Carolina and attending Marshall University. We commonly think that those are tough places to grow up for LGBTQ. For Sanna it was even harder.

“[Twenty twenty-five] is the 30th anniversary of my partner being killed in a hate crime.”

The experience and pain drove him to enter the Mr. Ramrod 2025 contest.

“With the political climate, I decided to find my voice again. I turn 50 this year. I’ve kept quiet long enough, I’m not going to be quiet anymore.”

While his initial platform was to help people address addiction problems, the worsening political climate has Sanna expanding his vision.

“I may need to do more to make sure that my brothers and sisters get what they need. Whether it be mental health and being there and being a source of information for them and that they’re not giving up the fight.”

He will also take his message to Chicago for IML in May. The next five months will be filled with fundraising and preparation.

“I’m good friends with past Mr. Eagles and Mr. Ramrods, and one thing I do is listen and take their teachings and make it my own.”

In addition to being Mr. Ramrod 2025, he is also Mr. Ramrod Daddy 2025, the first time the same person has held both titles simultaneously.


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