Embattled President of Pride Fort Lauderdale Steps Aside

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Pride Fort Lauderdale President Miik Martorell. Photo via Facebook.

After years of financial problems and diminishing trust from the community, Pride Fort Lauderdale is seeing a change at the top.

Longtime president Miik Martorell is stepping back. Multiple sources confirmed the news over the weekend, and a call, a voice message, and a text message to Martorell have all gone unanswered.

Martorell and PFL have been under scrutiny for nearly two years, as a series of investigations, first for the defunct South Florida Gay News and then for OutSFL, shed light onto the organization.

From the financial implications to the new vibe of large gatherings, PFL had trouble adapting to the post-COVID world. PFL had big plans in 2020 when the organization was supposed to host Pride of the Americas, a much hyped, brand new international event that would shine a major spotlight on Fort Lauderdale. Initial press releases suggested they were hoping to attract more than 350,000 people to the event.

Pride of the Americas, originally scheduled for April 2020, was canceled after Covid-19 shut down most of the country.

The event never recovered.

It was pushed to February 2023 and combined with Pride Lauderdale in the hopes that saving costs and resources would allow PFL to recover afterwards.

By that time, though, sponsors began pulling out and demanding refunds. The entire board and the executive director resigned in the weeks immediately before and after the event.

One sponsor, CAN, says they are still owed at least $75,000 and are reviewing their options.

Some are asking if Martorell stepping back is a cosmetic band-aid. Sources say he will now be a logistics/operations manager.

This is a developing story. New information will be posted at OutSFL.com and on social media.


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