Wilton Manors Library and the LGBTQ Community | Opinion

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Photo via wiltonmanors.gov.

Why is our local library so essential to who we are as a community?

During the past few years, we have seen multiple attacks on the LGBTQ community throughout the State of Florida and beyond. These attacks are coming from the governor’s office right on down to local school boards, and by many hate-driven organizations.

In this current environment of book banning, of demonizing the LGBTQ community, of fearmongering, and of outright lies — is this the time for Wilton Manors city leaders to be discussing possible budget cuts to our local independent library? More alarming is that these discussions are not just limited to current budget restraints; discussions are taking place by some who look to dispute the need for library services in our community now and in the future.

Sorry to dispel the belief of these few individuals who believe libraries are some relic of yesteryear — with dusty shelves of books no longer read. Libraries have become more popular than ever, serving as vital community hubs where people can gather, work, learn, and engage with a variety of resources. This is even more important for cities such as Wilton Manors, where large LGBTQ communities are under attack by organizations such as Mom’s for Liberty and others, where books are banned from school libraries, and where harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ youth and families are steadily on the increase.

Our local Wilton Manors Library supports and serves the needs of all city residents — of which are many LGBTQ households and families. As our community continues to be under attack by an alarming rise of hate driven discrimination, we as a city can take comfort in having the benefits of our local independent library available for residents. These benefits offer a sense of community where LGBTQ families, many with young children, can participate in programs together, able to enjoy an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Additionally, our local library serves as an active partner with our Wilton Manors Police Department’s Safe Place Program — serving as a designated location where victims of hate, bias and harassment can safely enter and report crimes they might not feel comfortable coming forward to the police and others.

As our city leaders discuss the rising cost of services, of necessary budget restraints, and the cost of living for residents of our Island City, let us not forget that public libraries remain one of the few free spaces that provide public resources catering to the most diverse demographics: toddlers, students, senior citizens, educators, parents, people facing housing insecurity, job seekers, people with disabilities, and caregivers.

For those who advocate that Broward County would simply swoop in and take over our local library and continue to provide the services that our community now enjoys are dealing in false assumptions and a lack of factual information. Funny, many of these same individuals scream bloody hell when the discussion turns to our local Wilton Manors Police Department. Their argument is that an outside entity such as Broward Sheriff’s Office or Fort Lauderdale Police Department would never be as protective of and aware of the needs of our unique community, with our large portion of LGBTQ residents. But yet they are quick to discard the unique and special services provided by our local library to so many in our community.

In this time of tight budget realities, we will all need to be ready for a higher millage rate, of budget cuts, and possible reduction of services. However, let us not make our very special independent municipal library the easy prey for budget cutting city leaders. Preserving what makes our community great, protecting the quality of life that made us choose Wilton Manors as our home, and by maintaining our independent municipal library as the heart and soul of the Island City is what makes life just better here.

Sal Torre has been a columnist for the Wilton Manors Gazette since its inception. Sal has served on the Wilton Drive Task Force, Budget Review Advisory Board, and Charter Review Board, among others. Sal is currently Secretary for the Friend of the Wilton Manors Library.


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